
Friday, August 24, 2007

Day 3-4

Train to Cerepovez (500 km in the east of St. Petersburg)
Some very drunken people shared the sleeping place with us. I slept quit well, but Nastja was really nerved by them. No after eating and drinking, we are waiting to go to the Datscha, approx. 80 km away. There we stay 2 days, and the go to Kyrilow, for 1 day. I think I will have no Internetconnection in this time.

St. Petersburg
The "Kunstkamera". A really popular museum. I had to wait one hour, standing in the sun to go inside, but the exihition is really worth to vist!

New Holland (St. Petersburg)
An old and broken trade center, which is now restaurated. It is completly sourrounded by channels.

Impressions at the Peter and Paul Iland (St. Petersburg)

The Sea


Day of the russian flag

This is called the "Teaspoon" (Tschainaja Loschka), a fastfood reastaurant for russian pancakes (plini). Very good, fresh and cheep.

Just some qick fotos of the Cuba Hostel, which is in the real center of St. Petersburg. I recommend this Hostel without any limitation!!
Is is lokated 2 minutes from the Nevsky Prospekt, wich is the main road in St. Petersburg center. They occupie the 2nd and the 4th floor, clean it quite good and the most important, coffee is for free ;-)

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