
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Last Post... back on Tuesday :-)

Allday storm...

"Adventure Workshop"

A tea plantation near Sochi, the most nothern in the world

"Tabletka" on the way to "Suchaja Balka" a Canyon near Sochi. I forgot the camera in the tabletka, so...

Tanja and Makita brought us honey! Thanks for this. This is the best reason do a travel to Sochi!
A ballon (the big bottle on the table) costs 1000 R = 30 Euro. It is honey from sweet chestnut, never found anywhere else something like this.

Just some other impressions of the last days.... At Day 22

Day 21: Sunset at the Camelia Beach in Sochi.

Day 20: Nastja an Danny are leaving Sochi... going back to St. Petersburg by train and the flying back to Berlin. Big Hello to them!!!

Day 20: Storm at the beach in Sochi Center.

Day 19: It will be a very sweet dellicious jam of Inshir!

Day 16: The traditional meeting place of elder men in Suhum. They are playing backgammon till late night and by the way diskussing, whats up in the town.

Day 16: Me on a teapot in Cemres flat in Suhum.

Day 15: The view to Suhum, main town from Abhazia.

Day 13: The sea. Until yesterday we had every day around 34^C air in the shadow and around 28^C Watertempreture. Now it is cooling down after two rainy nights, just 27^C, its a bit cold ;-)

Day 13: Karina with her doggie Akela, aka Crocodil...